Witches have had a special relationship with the tarot cards for centuries. Their lives have always been steeped in magic and mystery. Witches are natural clairvoyants and ideal psychic readers because they do not separate the spiritual from the mundane in their daily lives. While other psychics often tell of the doom and gloom we cannot avoid, Witches perform a unique and important role during Tarot readings in that we project that only good things come to pass, and that harmful energies become neutralized. Witches know that it is not enough to simply be psychic and see the future. We have a magical responsibility to share the power with our clients, helping them to avoid problems and reach life's fullest potential.
Hence, when you make your visit to Salem, you will find many shops that carry Tarot cards of every imaginable artistic design, and more than a few Witches ready to perform a tarot reading for you. Salem Witches' are known for their exceptional skills at reading the Tarot as well as many other divination tools. In October, the Witch City hosts its Annual Psychic Fair and Witchcraft Expo at the fountain on the downtown Essex Street pedestrian Mall. Here, the Witches gather to offer Tarot and other readings to our city's many visitors. From the earliest times, when Witches cast bones and feathers in order to see the future, to modern day Salem, the relationship between Witches and divination tools such as Tarot has always been a strong one.