Choosing the right Tarot Deck can be like finding the right mate. The
Tarot is a deeply personal journey that each person takes in his or her
own time. Often, I've heard it said that one can only be given a deck.
While it is certainly wonderful to recieve such a meaningful gift from
a close friend, it is equally important to seek out your
own Tarot deck, one that suits your personal tastes and cultural affinities.
Whether it be based on Celtic mythology, feminist spirituality, or Jungian psychology, finding the right Tarot deck can often take years
of searching. When you find that deck, you will feel as though you've
come home. The imagery of the particular representation of Tarot symbolism
you choose will resonate deep within your soul. I chose the Marseilles Tarot, made popular during the latter half of the 15th century, as the deck for the site for its rich history and for how well it fit with the old book theme. For the interactive features, I use the Rider Waite
Tarot, the most well known deck and the one I use in my own readings. When you find the deck that's right for you, I recommend you treat
it like a close friend. Tarot decks are often kept in fine silk, but if
you prefer wearing wool, or another fine fabric, wrap your special deck
in that. Keep it in a box of your favorite wood and put the box somewhere
special: on your dresser, your mantle, or on your personal altar. One reader I know keeps his deck unwrapped on his kitchen table, always ready to offer wisdom to those who need it. However you choose to care for it, the
Tarot will become a trusted guardian on your journey through life.
Browse our Tarot Decks page, featuring images of the cards and reviews.