A little over three hundred years ago, a terrible tragedy occurred that forever left an imprint on America's history. This event sent a message to all future generations about the dangers of intolerance and religious bigotry. That event was the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, where the hysteria generated by the accusations of a small group of young girls led to the deaths of twenty innocent people and the imprisonment of hundreds of others. Three hundred years and many lessons later, we in Salem have not forgotten the Trials, and neither has the rest of America. Affectionately known as "The Witch City," Salem has become one of the premier tourist attractions of our nation, drawing visitors from all over the world. People come to explore the dark pages of America's past, and to try to understand that side of humanity that allows these horrors to take place. They also come, however, because the city of Salem also offers a rich maritime history, and a large population of something many communities do not haveWitches.
In the late 1960's, Witches came to live in Salem; not the innocent Christians accused of devil worship like in 1692, but serious practitioners of the old ways of magic. Because of all their hard work to promote acceptance of the religion of Witchcraft over the years, the hearts and minds of of many Salem residents are open to the value in the ancient faith of the Goddess honored by their neighbors. Today, there are several thousand Witches living in Salem and nearby. These magical people have become a major reason that people come to visit our city. They are attuned to the sacred, and Goddess religion offers them a deep sense of connection with the value of the Earth and the holiness of nature.
Salem is also a home to the authors of this Website. To us, Salem is more than just Witchcraft. It's the Salt Water Taffy at Salem Willows Park. It's flying a kite out on Derby Wharf on a hot Summer's day. It's walking with a friend on the Common. It's looking for seashells on the beach at Forest River Park. It's appreciating the Native American and Asian artifacts at the Peabody Museum. It's all the magical things of everyday life that one encounters living in this charming City in New England. Salem is a magical place for all those who live there, Witches or no. We hope you'll visit soon.
A Delusion of Satan : The Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials
by Frances Hill.
Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft
by Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum.