These are the cards that the Tarot has drawn for you. You may want to save or print this page if you would like to ponder their messages later.
The Past position in the reading refers to recent events and challenges that just took place, things that lead up to the present situation, and your role in them.
Six of Pentacles
A quick glance at the Six of Pentacles shows a generous person giving to those less fortunate. The fact that the giver is standing while the others kneel reveals the deeper meaning. The scales symbolize the balance of power, which benefits both the giver and the receiver to varying degrees in this situation. The person or entity giving bases this generosity on the power it has over those who accept the charity or aid, and this may be mental, emotional, or sexual favors, not necessarily material ones. The person giving could actually be a job, and may be dominating an entire group of people who remain in the situation because they do not want to risk a change. You may realize, looking back on the situation, that you got what you needed, but not what you wanted. |
The Present position in the reading represents what is happening right now. Typically, this is what triggers you to seek out a reading. This card can often help you to understand what steps to take next.
Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles represents a sense of dissatisfaction that you feel with the results of a project that youve recently completed, either in the workplace or in your personal life. What you have planted is bearing fruit, but not quite to your satisfaction. Despite the less than satisfactory results, you are glad that the project is over. Youre grateful that you now have time to relax, but feel that you could have done more. There is much to be thankful for. You have created something that has a life of its own, and it will continue to grow. This card can often be a warning against perfectionism, and a sign that you must sometimes step back and let go. |
The Future position in teh reading describes what is just around the corner. It’s an official “heads up” about where the situation is heading and how you may navigate through it towards the best possible outcome.
The Devil
The Devil is the sixteenth card in the Major Arcana, and is given the number 15 to indicate the Magician (1) using the (5) elements (earth, air, fire, water, and spirit) for materialistic purposes. Note the Devils four fingers and thumb held up (5), while the cudgel (1) aims the power down at the earth...the reverse position of the Magician. The inverted pentagram on the Devils forehead is a symbol indicating spirit submerged in and subjugated by matter, or the material world. The Devil presides over a couple from a superior position, in a perversion of the trio on the Lovers card. The couple remain chained to his solid block of stone, though the shackles are loose. They are naked, vulnerableand yet their faces remain calm. They are entranced by the promises of superficial gain that the belief in the Devil has given them. They remain chained to their worldly desires, believing that only what is concrete and physical is important.
When the Devil appears in your future, it can indicate pettiness, materialism, and base desires. In the Christian faiths, the Devil is the enemy. Like Lucifer, whose vanity and conceit cost him Gods favor, the Devil in the Tarot can be a warning to the selfish and egotistical. Overall, the Devil indicates that you will need to take a long, hard look at your darker self, and a reminder that if pushed to the side and allowed to fester in darkness, your dark side will only grow more grotesque, and erupt when you least expect it, or when you just plain lose control. If you fear that you have not fully accepted the parts of yourself you dislike, dont lock them away. Bring them, slowly and safely, into the light. It will break the chains, and set you free. |
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Illustrations and images from the Rider Tarot Deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright © 1971, 1982 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. The Rider Tarot Deck ® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc. The world's largest source of tarot and cartomancy is U.S. Games Systems, Inc. A catalog may be obtained by contacting the company at 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902, Fax: 203-353-8431 or call 1-800-544-2637.