Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is a card of creative imagination, deep feelings, and psychic aptitude. The young man in the picture stands in front of the great sea of emotions in the background. The fish emerging from the cup represents the range of the Pages great imagination. The Pages are students, and so in the suit of Cups the lessons learned are the exploration of emotion, imagination, and perhaps even psychic ability. This card can represent a state of being you are currently experiencing, or possibly a younger person in your life with these qualities who is a source of emotional strength for you.
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Illustrations and images from the Rider Tarot Deck reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright © 1971, 1982 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. The Rider Tarot Deck ® is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc. The world's largest source of tarot and cartomancy is U.S. Games Systems, Inc. A catalog may be obtained by contacting the company at 179 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902, Fax: 203-353-8431 or call 1-800-544-2637.