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Samhain (October 3st)

  Also known as: Halloween, ShadowFest, Martinmas, Old Hallowmas Samhain  is the Witches' New Year's Eve, with November 1st being the first day of the new year. It marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter. It is the final harvest of the year. This is the time of the year when the ancient tribes harvested for the last time during the year, and prepared for the long months of winter. Food was stored, animals brought in from the fields, and animals needed for food supply were slaughtered and prepared for long storage. Activity was moved from outdoors to indoors, by the warmth of the hearth fire.

The ancient tribes celebrated the Celtic Feast of the Dead, a practice which is carried on today. Samhain is a time when we honor our ancestors and the memory they left behind. On Samhain the veil between the worlds is the thinnest. It is a powerful time for divination and contacting those who have walked these lands before us.

This is the time of the season which the Crone rules. She is one aspect of the triple Goddess, made up of Crone, Maiden, and Mother. It is She who opens the Western gate for those who have departed to travel into Summerland. She rules areas of death and regeneration, occult sciences, healing, and the wisdom of the ages. She comes in the form of Cerridwen, Hecate, Arianrhod, and Persephone, among many others. We use the Crone to assist us in transition from one life to the next, leaving one level of our existence and entering the next. This brings us into the Womb of the Mother to assist us in being reborn once again. For it is through Her Wisdom and guidance we learn lessons from experience past and begin life anew from the wisdom gained.

Ritual fires of Samhain were lit at the fall of dusk on the sacred hilltops, of ancient times, for the protection of people and land. Today we use fire in our Magic Circle to build a shield of protection and to light the Path for the future. Witches perform rituals, using the Crone's assistance, to leave behind that which they do not want to carry on into the future; outdated habits, past relationships, insecurities and those things which do not serve us to carry on. Magic is done to better our lives, the lives of those around us, and all connected to the web of life It is customary for Witches to dress on Samhain eve, the costume reflect the Witches projection for the upcoming year. It is a festive, joyful time, where we visit friends and share treats stories and memories.

© Copyright 1996, Christina Aubin; used by permission.

Featured Book for Halloween!

  Halloween : Customs, Recipes & Spells
Silver Ravenwolf

Grab your flowing cape and journey through the history and magickal practices of America's favorite scary holiday. From Old World roots to New World charm, you will traverse the hodge-podge of legends and customs that created our modern tradition. Halloween brings you serious facts based on accurate research, as well as practical, how-to goodies and gossipy tidbits. Learn how history created many inaccurate myths about the original Halloween, which the ancient Celts called "Samhain," and how modern pagans still view it as a religious celebration. Discover practices, rituals and recipes that honor the spirit of the holiday, which you can adapt to fit any spiritual orientation. --Brian Patterson (Review by - Buy It!


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